Peer Reviewed Publications

  1. Sequera, J.E. González, K. McDonald, S. LaDochy, and D. Comarazamy.  (2016).  Improvements in land-use classification for estimating daytime surface temperatures and sea-breeze flows in Southern California.  Earth Interactions. DOI: 10.1175/EI-D-14-0034.1
  2. Sequera, J.E. González, K. McDonald, S. LaDochy, and D. Comarazamy.  (2016). Improvements in land-use classification for estimating daytime surface temperatures and sea-breeze flows in Southern California.  Earth Interactions.
  3. Sequera, J.E. González, K. McDonald, R.D. Bornstein, and D. Comarazamy. (2015). Combined impacts of land-cover changes and large-scale forcing on Southern California summer daily maximum temperatures. J of Geophysical Res.-Atmosphere. DOI: 10.1002/2015JD023536.
  4. Lebassi B., J.E. González, and R. Bornstein.  On the environmental sustainability of building integrated solar technologies in a coastal city.  J. of Solar Energy Engineering, 135, DOI: 10.1115/1.4025507
  5. Gonzalez Cruz, J., P. Sequera, Y. Molina, R. Picon, J. Pillich, A. T. Ghebreegziabhe, and B. Bornstein, 2013: Climate and Energy Vulnerability in Coastal Regions: The Case for US Pacific and Northeast Corridor Coastal Regions.Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press, 3–35 pp.  ISBN: 9780123847034.
  6. Bereket Lebassi, Robert Bornstein, and Jorge Gonzalez.  Book title: Planet Earth 2011 – Global Warming Challenges and Opportunities for Policy and Practice.  Chapter title:  Reverse Reactions of Climate Changes on Coastal Regions.  InTech, On-Line Publisher. Ed. Elias Carayannis.  (ISBN 978-953-307-733-8).
  7. Lebassi B., J.E. González, and R. Bornstein.  2011.  Modeled Large-Scale Warming Impacts on Summer California Coastal-Cooling Trends, J. Geophysical. Res.-Atmosphere.  J. Geophys. Res., 116, D20114, doi:10.1029/2011JD015759.
  8. Lebassi B., J.E. González, D. Fabris, C. Milesi, N. L. Miller, P. Switzer, and R. Bornstein. 2009.  Observed 1970-2005 cooling of summer daytime temperatures in coastal California. J. of Climate. 22, pp. 3558-3573.
  9. Lebassi B., J.E. González, D. Fabris, and R. Bornstein. Impacts of climate change in degree days and energy demands in coastal California. ASME J. of Solar Energy Engineering, August 2010, 132, 031005 (9 pages) doi:10.1115/1.4001564.
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